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Join Again Again’s vendor community!

Again Again is a reusable container management system, empowering your customers to borrow reusable containers instead of consuming single-use waste.

Vendors are enabled to loan out containers – of your own choice, or from our premium collection – with your investment protected from container non-return or loss.

How does it work? 6 minute overview


Your decision journey 

We’d love to have you join Again Again's community of hundreds of cafes and hospitality businesses - not to mention the tens of thousands of consumers who are already creating new habits to save the planet from single-use waste with Again Again's system of borrowable reusables.

This section will guide you through the options and decisions you’ll need to make. It will help you find the best containers and the best plan for your business.

Work from top to bottom…


  • Your cafe/business must be able to sanitise the fleet. If that's no problem, move to the next section.

  • If you are a coffee cart, or events organizer, there may be some limitations.


 You have Two simple decisions to makE.

You may be interested to think about how reuse systems work conceptually, before you make decisions about Again Again’s system specifically.

Or just carry on…


Choose your containers…

reusable steel containers

“But there are so many options!!”, we hear you cry.

Correct. Let us help you decide.


a plan…

eco friendly food containers | choose the right plan for you

“Which one is right for me?”

We can shed some light on that.


We’ll take each of these in turn…



Fleet: That’s the collective noun for containers.

In order to loan out reuseable containers, you will first need to have some! Again Again’s tech-enabled platform can work with whatever containers are right for you. And you can choose to buy them from us, or alternatively, purchase them elsewhere.

The easiest option, and quickest to set up, is to buy from us. And… there are a few added advantages: if the containers don’t return, we will replace these for you for free. And they are interoperable–your customers will be able to return them to any cafe loaning out Again Again containers.

Alternatively, you can choose to source your own containers, possibly branded, and use Again Again’s management platform to protect your investment.

When you purchase containers, there will be a significant upfront cost, but the platform will protect this investment - reimbursing or replacing non-returned cups. Your asset will remain and not be lost.




Platform plans

The plan you will be on is dictated by the containers you choose to utilise. The costs are the same, but if you choose to use containers other than Again Again ones, we set a minimum monthly charge per location.

This is done to share the risk of end-user uptake. If you are investing in a returnable packaging system for your brand, so too must you make a commitment to your customer’s behaviour change. Provided that there is good uptake, this minimum will not impact the cost per serve.

Classic plan

Again Again’s classic cups can still be traded using the cash deposit model. Our experience is that the cup losses make this quite an expensive system to maintain. As such, we really encourage you to use the platform plans instead. Empowering your customers to use the app will be your most economical option.

However, there is a place for the cash model, and it is for vendors who are choosing to get rid of single-use packaging altogether. In this case, you still need the option to ensure that you can sell your coffee and food to every potential customer, and a low-deposit model will facilitate this.

Our experience is that cafes that have ditched single-use cups entirely do really well with the system. You will need to access high volumes of cups at a cost-neutral price ($4 incl gst), and for this volume access, we charge an associated moderately high monthly subscription. Note that at such high usage the monthly fees will likely still be significantly cheaper than single-use cups at volume.

Implement reusables system for your business

Consider how you will implement your reusables system.

100% vs integrated

The thought of operating 100% single-use cup free may seem daunting. Turns out though, for many businesses it’s been easier to implement than an integrated system. It saves you $1000s per year, and results in very few lost customers and waaaay more impact. It just takes a bit of confidence!

Listen up below for some pros and cons, and you can view some case studies here.